Candid tip #1: Career vs jobs
Let's set our focus clearly. Jobs come and go, careers are built in really long term.
As we start this newsletter, let me set some context - this newsletter is about careers, not just jobs.
What’s the difference?
A career, for the purpose of this newsletter, refers to your long term professional journey. What did you work on? What did you achieve? Were you happy doing what you did? It’s one important part of our lives just like our relationships and personal contentment.
A job, on the other hand, is often just a short term component of your overall career. It’s a formal engagement where you work and you get paid for your effort. Yes, a series of jobs define your career, but there are other components at play as well - your professional education, reading habits, pro-bono consulting, your professional network and even your sabbaticals.
Think about your career, not just jobs
If there is one thing I want you to really think about is your long term career, not just your next job.
Only then you will have true satisfaction and fulfilment.
Will talk about this in my next post.
P.S. Want to know more? Read up on Ikigai, if you haven’t yet. This is what it basically says: